Environmental Health

EHHD works to protect the health of the community through a variety of environmental health services. The health district's environmental health program provides information and resources to our residents and business owners on the latest environmental issues. As a regulatory agency, the health district also enforces all applicable state and local environmental health codes through our permitting, licensing and inspection programs.
Below is a listing of the environmental health programs and services provided by the Eastern Highlands Health District.
Use the links below or to the left to find information and applications needed for these programs and services.
Prevention Services include:
Other environmental health services provided through the EHHD include:
Public Health Nuisance & Housing Complaints: EHHD investigates complaints regarding public health nuisance conditions in the community and unsafe or unsanitary conditions in rental housing and lack of essential services such as heat, hot water and electricity. To report a complaint or concern about a public health nuisance or suspected Code violation, you should call the health district so we can gather all pertinent information necessary for our investigation. You can also write to the health district, or you can use our on-line health or code violation complaint form to file your complaint or concern. Please note that it may be necessary for EHHD to contact you to gather additional information to complete the investigation.
Vector Control: EHHD investigates a variety of insect and rodent problems such as mosquito breeding, rat infestation, bats and rabid raccoons.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention: EHHD provides information to parents, property owners and contractors on lead safety in the home and on the job to help eliminate lead hazards in the environment and prevent childhood lead poisoning. The health district also investigates all reports of lead hazards and elevated blood lead levels in children.
Institutional Inspections: EHHD conducts routine school, campground, daycare and group home inspections. EHHD assists the State of Connecticut with youth camp kitchen inspections.
Public Bathing Areas & Swimming Pools: EHHD conducts inspections of public bathing areas and swimming pools in our member towns and monitors the water quality at these facilities.