Smoking Cessation Resources(click here)
An estimated 17 million Americans vow to quit smoking each year. Statistics show that at least 70% of smokers would like to quit, if they believed they could do it. They know what using tobacco costs them personally: the money spent, the health risks, the social stigma, the smell, and more.
Be Well is committed to helping you reach an optimal state of health and well being in every area of you life. We get it, quitting is hard. But taking time ahead of time to prepare can make it easier. When you feel like your ready to quit, follow these 5 steps recommended by smokefree.gov. Then, check out the resources below to see what type of quitting resource or program will help you succeed and stay free from tobacco forever!
1. Set a Quit Date
2. Tell Family and Friends You Plan to Quit
3. Anticipate and Plan for Challenges While Quitting
4. Remove Cigarettes and Other Tobacco From Your Home‚ Car‚ and Work
5. Talk to Your Doctor or Pharmacist About Quit Options
Click Here for an Expanded Version of the "Quitting Preparation Tips" Above
To Learn What Method Will Help You Quit Tobacco, Such As In Person Individual or Group Counseling, Phone Counseling, Medications, or Web-Based Resources and Click Here!
Other Resources That May Help You Quit:
Preventing Weight Gain After You Quit
Stress Management Techniques
Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief
Easy Ways to Start Exercising
Stress Relief in the Moment
Understanding Addiction