EHHD is helping the region go Tobacco Free!

Looking to quit smoking and tobacco products? Here is a link to some cessation services.
Tobacco-free Workplaces
The Goal of Tobacco Free Policies: Tobacco free policies promote a safe and healthy environment for everyone who lives, works, or visits. As a town or organization, you want to protect people from exposure, create healthier communities and create social norms where the public expects tobacco free environments.
- It is estimated that only 15% of cigarette smoke gets inhaled by the smoker. The remaining 85% lingers in the air for everyone to breath.
- Studies are now showing that “third-hand smoke” (tobacco residue from cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products that linger in the air) is extremely dangerous. In Connecticut 400 nonsmokers die each year due to exposure to tobacco smoke.
- According to the Connecticut Dept. of Public Health’s office of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control, model policies and ordinances do not include exemptions for any type of tobacco products, person or event.
- Tobacco free policies reduce tobacco litter. Cigarette butts and tobacco-related items make up 38% of all litter, creating costly clean up. With tobacco free policies clean-up costs decrease.
- Prohibiting ALL tobacco products reduces the likelihood of youth and young adults getting addicted to tobacco products by encouraging healthy social norms!
With funding from the CT Department of Public Health, EHHD has been able to contribute to several communities' efforts to go tobacco free. As a result, EHHD has created toolkits to assist other communities. These toolkits include:
On June 1, 2016, the Town of Mansfield adopted a Tobacco Free Campus policy.If you would like to learn about ways to adopt a Tobacco Free Campus policy in your town or organization, please contact us!